Minister Stefanović with Vesna Stanojević: Women are having more courage to report domestic violence
The minister of inner affairs of the Republic of Serbia Dr. Nebojša Stefanović met the coordinator of the Safe house and the Domestic Violence Council Vesna Stanojević, and they both agreed that the women gathered more courage to report domestic violence in the last couple of months, and that is the most important precondition for adequate reaction of the police and for solving this social problem.
During the meeting minister Stefanović informed the guest about the initiative of the Ministry of internal affairs for an amendment of the Criminal law, which will be directed to the responsible Ministry, in order to enable a more efficient reaction of the police in cases of domestic violence.
“We will suggest that under the measures for an undisturbed leading of criminal proceedings the judges are enabled to report the violence right away for the previous process and to determine the measures for moving the violent family member out of the house or apartment. We believe that many victims don’t trust themselves to report the violence out of fear of being possibly left stranded, so therefore we believe that this so-called “Austrian model” contributed to higher rates of violence reporting”, said the minister.
The minister also informed the coordinator of Domestic Violence Council about the dispatch he sent to the representatives of the police in May, after the sixfold murder in the vicinity of Kanjiža, when he demanded maximum attention when reporting domestic violence and an obligatory introduction of the authorities, as well as other institutions to these reports.
He also reminded that the police take the firearms away from the abuser, if he keeps any.
Vesna Stanojević approved the initiative for using the “Austrian model” and emphasized that the Council and the police have good cooperation.
“The police reacts a lot better now in cases of domestic violence and we give advice to every woman that turns to us to inform the police right away. Unfortunately, the family members often hide problems they deal with”, said Vesna Stanojević.
(Source Kurir)