The Female MPs Donated Help to the Safehouse in Belgrade
21 October 2015 – four female MPs visited the Safehouse in Belgrade today, where they donated humanitarian aid for women and children victims of domestic violence. She told them “not to keep quiet, but to report the abuser”.
The help consists of basic groceries like flour, sugar, oil and fruit, which Sanja Nikolić, Katarina Rakić, Vesna Marković and Mirjana Andrić donated to the protégés.
“The donation we brought today is symbolic and has no big material value, but I think it will help these women in the house a lot”, said Nikolić.
She added that there is information that proves how more and more women got encouraged to report the violence and called on all of them “not to be silent, but to report the abuser because the main part of the fight against violence is the inclusion of the whole society.”
She also said that the state, the government institutions, the non-governmental organizations and the media have to work together on this.
In order to have some results, she said, we have to think more not only of the women but also of the children who are also victims of domestic violence.
Nikolić reminded that the minister of internal affairs Nebojša Stefanović addressed an amendment for the change of the Criminal law which will, as she explained, enable the judge to move the abuser away from the house, that very moment the woman reports him.
“I sincerely hope that we will have that change and amendment of the law in the parliament soon and that it will obtain the support of the MPs”, Nikolić added.
The coordinator of the Safehouse Vesna Stanojević expressed her gratitude for the donated help because it is, as she said, necessary for the protégés of the Safehouse.
“We can all do a lot together, and this is the right example”, she said and also added that it is not important whether the help has big or small material value, but that the thing which is more important is that the victims of violence have the feeling someone looks after them.
“This is a proof of how little they all need, including the children, to be more satisfied and happier and have the feeling someone thinks about them”, Stanojević concluded.
Source: Tanjug