Violence Consequences
The consequences of domestic violence for the victims can be divided into two big groups:
– Health consequences –
Violence affects health significantly. In the USA the injuries caused by beating are more frequent than the ones caused by car crashes. Violence is also the main cause for many other health issues. The beaten women need five to six times more help and psychiatric treatment, and suicide attempts are four times more often than with women who didn’t experience beating. One-third of abused women suffers from deep depression, and not so insignificant number gives themselves away to alcohol and drugs.
It’s also important to mention the high level of mortality which is the consequence of domestic violence. There is information that from all the murders in Serbia 30% was in the family.
Domestic violence has unfortunately become a daily phenomenon and can be categorized as chronic stress, shock and trauma related to the woman’s health.
– Social consequences are the most frequent –
Job loss (nobody will tolerate a worker whose husband comes to her workplace, harasses her and makes problems), also they are forced to take sick leave more often, leave their workplace to go to the court and other institutions, and if the abuser and the domestic violence are some kind of a public figure he uses his power to discredit the woman at work.
Women are forced to often change their address in order to avoid violence.
Women often lose their friends and family because the abuser isolates them.
Women are often confused and avoid even those people who could help them, because they want to hide their vulnerability and confusion.
Women often alienate themselves from their religious beliefs if they forbid divorce.
Women are financially vulnerable and insecure because the court expenses are high and possible apartment rents, too. Taking all this into consideration they are unable to find their way out of that violent situation.
Low self-respect (they believe they are not good enough, accuse themselves very often).
Bad parenting (women who live in the violence situation for years are trying to find their surviving mechanism, so they don’t have the time to dedicate themselves to their children as much as the children require). In those families the children are neglected, and the parents don’t do their real job.